Established in 1949 Alex Currie had visions of a business that would provide a professional service.

Our company maintains a modern fleet of heavy towing, floating and recovery equipment.

The equipment is manned by a roster of experienced, certified trained operators at all times.

This combination of manpower and equipment is dedicated to serving you anytime, anywhere.
Our success is our staff…Currie Heavy Towing accredits its success to teamwork, experience, training and dedication to professionalism. For Over 60 years, our family business remains an industry leader. Our organization is constantly evolving with our modern fleet of specialized equipment to meet the needs of our customers – 24/7.
Getting the job done right!
Currie Heavy Towing
2 Currie Dr, PO Box # 20150
Barrie, ON L4M 6E9
Call our central dispatch & our expert staff will be on site as quickly as possible.
Fax: 705-721-9395